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I'm an animator/illustrator living in Vancouver, BC. Please Email me if you want prints of anything or have any questions.

Monday, March 24, 2008

10 sec. statue

This is not realated to the furhairman revolution. But its still something that I did. Along with my friend Ian Zamojc, we cranked out 8 of these. They are 10 second films involving a peeing statue. Be sure to watch them all, and then e-mail them to everyone you know, and tell them to do the same. Make yourself sound really crazy when you do it too.

Here is the 1st episode that started it all. Currently we are working on the 10 second statue feature film. Keep an eye out for it this fall.


rich said...

love the little guitar strum at the end. ha ha. Pee is funny.

Anonymous said...

I love these. I guess 10 seconds is enought time to siphon the python.