About Me

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I'm an animator/illustrator living in Vancouver, BC. Please Email me if you want prints of anything or have any questions.

Friday, September 28, 2007

some new sketches

This is Ned Churnwater. flash. I don't know why i always draw them smoking...but I do.

This is Stan Redner. I sketched him but havent decided how/if to color him.
So far he's done strictly in flash. I find he sorta has a dog jowells thing, or a wintery type hat (of skin).

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Fur Hairmans

This is Garry Pistol.
acrylic on canvas

Quarkley J. Westington in his sunday best.

Murry O'Sloppington

Opus Madwick

Blane Plantain flash/photoshop

Kessel Van Glurk

Lenny Shen acrylic on canvas

Jeri Larrington. drawn in flash painted in photoshop.

Dirk Pnderosa

Glen Garvner

This is Conrad Wellington. his nose smokes cigarettes.

Frank Murray

Cousin Paully

Cliff Spicolli

Gill Pepper.

Claude Crackton. he can look up his nose...so that comes in handy

This is Tom Shoemaker....

this is Bean Skarsnip he is part of the "monocromatic" series.

This is Pepper Willigan. I am going to get around to painting him so stay tuned....

furhairman revolution

This is the home of furhairman and furhairman realted topics. enjoy.